Motherhood Anxiety And Ways To Cope
We are more than halfway through 2020 and we can all admit, it has been a challenging one.How are you all hanging in there? Lately, we have been talking with a lot of other soon to be parents and people that are already parents. A very common and nerve racking topic that has come up has been the amount of stress, anxiety and depression that some are feeling in during current times. We are dealing with a pandemic, social unrest all while preparing for the birth of our baby or navigating our life with a newborn!Healthline describes anxiety as our body's natural response to stress. It is a feeling of fear and apprehension about what's to come. For pregnant people or new parents it can manifest as birth is approaching, can also be triggered by the thought of bringing a new baby home. Additionally stress can overcome us when we are sleepless.
Ways To Deal With Anxiety And Stress
Tampa Doula
I reached out to local therapist- Kashi Heynis of Wellness with Kashi, and asked her to ellaborate on her offered therapy. Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), she uses this form of therapy to help parents in her community work through anxiety and other issues that may arise in parenthood.
ART Therapy
If you’re not sure what ART is, it is an evidence based eye movement technique. This technique provides deep healing relief from issues, such as depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsion, and much more. It is a very different experience from a talk therapy type of approach. Sessions take 45-60 minutes, requiring little to no verbal exchange. The bilateral eye movements are calming and allow clients to process the sources of suffering, leaving each session with a sense of resolve that lasts.The majority of our audience is comprised of parents, pregnant people and newly postpartum folks we confirmed that ART is helpful for people in these stages. ART is also helpful with people who are dealing with mental health struggles that may come with it. Kashi told us that ART is effective in treating issues related to pregnancy and postpartum, because the procedure is conducted from the client’s most urgent mental health needs.Every client has a unique life path and the process of ART is designed to work effectively on specific areas of need. Negative thought patterns are changed in the process of ART, due to the voluntary image replacement that takes place. This process changes the way client’s feel about experiences in life. Kashi shared with us that many Mamas she sees have success with ART and literally feel better due to the fact that the internal dialogue is changing as well as how the person feels and experiences life.
Invest In Yourself with Counseling
Often times our faced paced culture does not contribute to that of slowing down and investing in ourselves. Investing in ourselves doesn't have to look like purchasing an item but carving out some time to get a little extra help from professionals. Sunshine City Counseling focuses on providing a safe space so you can focus on where you have been so you can step into where you are created to be.As mentioned previously, we are all navigating different and ever changing times you put that together with new motherhood or parenthood and all sorts of feelings can come to fruition, but with the support of a group such as Sunshine City Counseling where they have sexperts in dealing with anxiety, stress, work/life balance and mental health feeling better and being able to process your current feelings does not have to be done alone.
Adding In Home Support
stress relief ideas
postpartum depression
Let's keep it real, we can't always do it alone and we shouldn't have to. Many clients has reported that hiring in home postpartum doula support helped in easing their building stress and anxiety. A postpartum doula is a trained professional that can help you with self care, newborn care, help you with resting, meal prepping, errands and much more. A postpartum doula can truly take the load of in the early postpartum period.A client described feeling a load off and the sense of comfort with having a postpartum doula from One Love to work through their postpartum journey one on one. WE know that parenting- whether your child is 1 or 20, can be hard. It’s brutal and beautiful or “brutiful” as the author Glennon Doyle says. Make sure you’re staying hydrated out there, eating well and reaching out to your community for support (however you safely can, currently). If you need to meditate/pray or just close the door and focus on your breathing for a few minutes do that! If you are struggling with life, parenting or depression, obsessive thoughts, stress, or anxiety we hope that you will reach out to someone like Kashi, Sunshine City Counseling or here at One Love and get started on your “brutiful” journey of healing.As always, know that you are not alone; we are here, and we stand ready to support you with that One Love. About the author, Mandy Casey- Doula